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Tuesday, September 2, 2014


 Our goal is to help you plan the perfect trip to this beautiful island!
Inside you will find lots of tourist information, as well as our extensive photo galleryof Sri Lanka!

If you are planning your first trip to Sri Lanka or you will be a return visitor, we hope the information that we provide is helpful!

If this is your first visit to our site, be sure to view our photo gallery as you will see the wonders that await you on your trip to Sri Lanka!

If you are looking for general information on Sri Lanka (including air travel information, time and weather information, embassy information, as well as other helpful information and our photo gallery), please go to the GENERAL INFORMATION section below.

If you are interested in information on a specific area of Sri Lanka, click on the area listed in the LOCAL INFORMATION section below. Youwill find photos, hotel and restaurant listings, entertainment listings, shopping information and sightseeing & other tourist information for that particular area.

We welcome your comments and suggestions!

Best wishes for a wonderful visit to Sri Lanka!